Thursday, July 15, 2010

Iron Man 2

Iron Man 2 is the anti-superhero superhero movie with a genuine antihero (not the Dirty Harry-like ruffian typically associated with the term but the Camusian definition of such), a quarter-lazy, quarter-crazy, quarter-bored and quarter-decent guy in Tony Stark played by a nearly sheepish Robert Downey, Jr. The Iron Man movies have taken a curious, if not entirely surprising course due to their protagonist's singular station (he is naturally the one man who could privatize world peace, as he declares to an overbearing Senator at a committee hearing)—they tend to play out like in-the-moment snapshots at the dull underpinnings of being at the top of the world. Stark's world is that of fast-moving sojourns to the latest cocktail party, decorated by wandering champaign glasses and fetching women who appear to adore him. When confronted by a rival arms manufacturer with the crushingly obvious name of Hammer (a slumming Sam Rockwell who endeavors to craft a personification of obnoxiousness and just about succeeds in his single-minded quest), Downey's Stark verbally slaps him away like a feckless gnat. He undermines Hammer's interview with a pretty young female reporter. He upstages him whenever given the opportunity. Before long the battle of pettiness and no-bid contracts seems to approximate a schoolyard rivalry between a couple of bratty children. The 2008 Iron Man at least attempted to embroider a slightly credulous human relationship between Downey's Stark and the evil father figure honcho played by a cagey Jeff Bridges in lieu of Stark's own long-gone distant father. The sequel, however, lacks the delicate subtlety of narrative that made the first Iron Man accessibly fugacious junk food that tasted well enough in the moment only to be forgotten about momentarily afterwards.

The Iron Man movies represent a franchise-specific coloration that recall the “white telephone” movies of the 1930s. In the mire of financial crisis and an unending recession wedded to a “jobless recovery,” Americans can approach Stark and his band of over-the-top friends, associates and enemies as a quick-fix dose of escapism. And like the “white telephone” pictures that today play in remastered clarity on Turner Classic Movies, the Iron Man movies present the rich and famous (in this franchise largely made up of arms manufacturers and variegated “masters of the universe”) in a way that undercuts the glamor with the creeping sensations of banality and tedium. The way Stark orders up one computerized hologram after another in his spacious, empty workshop only to toss them aside paints a portrait of a man battling the one feature of his life that outlasts the otherwise impermanent day-to-day meet-and-greet deluge of nothingness, sheer listlessness and boredom dragging down a man characterized by almost extreme pococurantism. Like the “white telephone” films of yesteryear that simultaneously glorified and scrupulously scrutinized the rich elite, Iron Man 2 at its most ambitious strives to be some kind of engaging balancing act between offering hagiography and harsh critique of its protagonist.

While it is refreshing to see at least one superhero who is not crippled by angst, nor woefully embarrassed by his superpowers or capabilities, the commendable yields to the wrongheaded as the exasperatingly tired narrative overtakes anything else. To make amends for the lack of moral considerations on the part of the franchise's hero, the film is bogged down in the quicksand that is Tony's great malady that is quickly killing him. He's dying because of his own powers. The core of his chest—symbolically representing the coolly unrevealing Stark's open heart—is poisoning him. And thus the picture spends an interminable period during which Stark conducts one of the most monotonous and boring science projects ever recorded by the cinema. Watching the picture unfurl, it becomes apparent that the average child would rightly be driven to madness by the film's lack of drive and dynamism. What is left is Stark toying around with his gadgets and formulations, his narcissism redeemed by his unerring ability to become better and more fulfilled by his father leaving a reel of film for him telling him that he really did love him after all. And so the symbolic cuteness of the circular “heart” finds replacement in a triangle, probably for no greater motive than to create a new line of Iron Man action figures at Toys R Us.

There is a Russian named Ivan Vanko out for revenge against the Stark name in the franchise's umpteenth enactment of “the sins of the father revisiting the son” played by Mickey Rourke, who just so happens to have the four or so lines of dialogue that are actually sharp from Justin Theroux's rambling screenplay. Rourke is an actor who finds a way to persevere through the most pedestrian material and here he speaks in a gloriously heavy Russian accent while mumbling on about the Starks being a “family of thieves and butchers” who “rewrite [their] own history.” What would possibly be insurmountable for others, Rourke finds merely tant mieux and he keeps running with the ball. It turns out that Cold War sins still haunt a couple decades later as Rourke's malevolent Muscovite seeks simple retribution against the exemplar of American grandiosity and eminence, the Stark family, as one son vows to destroy another for the lives their fathers led.

What honestly lingers, however, is the almost smothering hipness of this sequel. Each of the big three cable news networks is shown at separate times and with each visit, Stark grabs that trustiest of domestic weapons, the remote control, and mutes the motor-mouthed talking heads with the assured ruthlessness of a billionaire eccentric. Stark, in his visit to the Senate, informs the panel of imperious wannabe autocrats that the rogue nations and terrorist groups who threaten civilization are “years away” from acquiring the technology of his own Iron Man suit (with or without gorgeous custom paint job, he does not reveal) in a perspicuous nod to current events involving Iran and critics of a heightened posture against the Tehran regime arguing in identical language. The painting of Stark to mimic the “Hope” picture of Obama is the icing on the cake. The movie is, weakly, anemically and yet somehow relentlessly, pointing to its own relevance as some kind of barely-cloaked political satire.

All other characters seem lost in this movie. Iron Man two years ago told a feminist-leaning tale of an under-appreciated executive assistant Pepper Potts played by Gwyneth Paltrow; took some time out for a buddy portion with Rhodey (an enthusiastic Terrence Howard here replaced by an excessively modulated and sober Don Cheadle); scaled a poor man's Oedipal conflict as the central story arc that at least registered as important to Stark; and most essentially wrapped these threads together around the central character to create the Aristotelian and rewarding spectacle of a faux-solitary man directly affected and altered by his orbit of personages. Compared to this sequel, that film was an accomplished tale of the intimate and the epic. Visually, too, there is nothing that lingers about this effort. When Stark, adorned by a poor man's prototype for the Iron Man suit, a sterling-colored, unwieldy body suit, burned the pan-generational work of the Stark name, father and son alike, it represented a pop-cultural appreciation of the ancient, and gave mainstream voice to concerns older than the Homeric relating of Priam and Hector juxtaposed with Odysseus and Telemachus. This is almost ironically where Iron Man 2 bites off far more than it can possibly chew with its sidestepping into prosaic tangents and general lack of narrative potency. What came off as effortless once, appears impossible now. Something is not right when the consumer tries to piece together what the junk food was supposed to taste like.


fuckface said...

"rival arms manufacturer with the crushingly obvious name of Hammer (a slumming Sam Rockwell "this is funny

Ténèbres à la lumière... said...

Hi! Alexander Coleman,
Unfortunately, I didn't watch Iron Man yet alone Iron Man 2...Therefore, after reading your review it's quite obvious that the original version is the version to seek out to watch.
Basically, I think that the two quotes below place both films in that "proverbial nutshell"
and let your readers know which film is worth seeking out to watch.

"The 2008 Iron Man at least attempted to embroider a slightly credulous human relationship between Downey's Stark and the evil father figure honcho played by a cagey Jeff Bridges in lieu of Stark's own long-gone distant father..."

This quote along would be one good reason why I would seek the original version out to watch...Because I would want to find out...why?

"The sequel, however, lacks the delicate subtlety of narrative that made the first Iron Man accessibly fugacious junk food that tasted well enough in the moment only to be forgotten about momentarily afterwards..."

On the other hand, this quote would be one good reason why I wouldn't seek the sequel out to watch. (Most definitely, matched by some film critics' negative reviews of the sequel to the original Iron Man)

Alexander, Thanks, for sharing!
DeeDee ;-D

Film-Book dot Com said...

Alexander, you are giving Iron Man 2 far more credit than it deserves. Comparing this film to ancient texts, characters, and themes is alluding to the idea that the screenwriter thought of theses things as well while he was crafting his screenplay. There is no way.

I said forethought had been put into this laughable film, Whiplash would have had far more screen time and his prison breakout scene would have made sense and been better scripted. That is for starters.

Forget about the stupidity of what Stark does when he finds out he is dying and how the problem is solved. I imagine screenwriter tripped, hit his head then came up with an epiphany: "Hay, I know. I will have his father theorize a problem he could not possibly have foreseen then come up with a solution that makes no sense since the tech needed to accomplish it may not even be possible in his son's lifetime. Yeah, that's it."

I have only seen this film once and will only watch it again for the Whiplash matter how hot Scarlett looks with red hair.

And the mindless stuff blowing up ending. Come on. It isn't the early 90's anymore.

I am sure Toys 'R Us was happy with this film. I wasn't.

Film-Book dot Com said...

"I said forethought had been put into this laughable film, Whiplash would have had far more screen time and his prison breakout scene would have made sense and been better scripted. That is for starters."

Sorry. I meant: If said forethought had been put into this laughable film, Whiplash would have had far more screen time and his prison breakout scene would have made sense and been better scripted. That is for starters.

Also, I meant: I imagine the screenwriter tripped...

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Adam Zanzie said...

The first Iron Man underwhelmed me somewhat, which is why I skipped on this new movie. I can't say that I'm impressed with Jon Favreau as an actor-turned-filmmaker: he's no Warren Beatty. These movies doesn't really try to help such a limited genre evolve, as Raimi's Spiderman 2 did. They reek of the highly stylized commercialism of the genre that I detest. Not that I truly disliked the first film, because I didn't, but I certainly wasn't of the opinion that it was "an Altmanian superhero movie", as some weird fanboys were charging!

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Anonymous said...

Iron Man 2...Therefore, after reading your review it's quite obvious that the original version is the version to seek out to watch.
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and let your readers know which film is worth seeking out to watch.
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Iron Man is a 2008 American superhero film based on the Marvel Comics character of the same name. Directed by Jon Favreau, the film stars Robert Downey, Jr. as Tony Stark, an industrialist and master engineer who builds a powered exoskeleton and becomes the technologically advanced superhero, Iron Man. Gwyneth Paltrow plays his personal assistant Pepper Potts, Terrence Howard plays military liaison James Rhodes and Jeff Bridges plays Stark Industries executive Obadiah Stane.
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The Mark II resembles an airplane prototype, with visible flaps.[26] Iron Man comic book artist Adi Granov designed the Mark III with illustrator Phil Saunders.[61] Granov's designs were the primary inspiration for the film's design, and he came on board the film after he recognized his work on Jon Favreau's MySpace page.[47] Saunders streamlined Granov's concept art, making it stealthier and less cartoonish in its proportions.[14] Sometimes, Downey would only wear the helmet, sleeves and chest of the costume over a motion capture suit.[14] For shots of the Mark III flying, it was animated to look realistic by taking off slowly, and landing quickly. To generate shots of Iron Man and the F-22 Raptors battling, cameras were flown in the air to provide reference for physics, wind and frost on the lenses.[62] For further study of the physics of flying, skydivers were filmed in a vertical wind tunnel.
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GameforYou said...

Arizona carried twelve 45-caliber 14-inch guns in triple gun turrets.[3] The turrets were numbered from I to IV from front to rear. The guns could not elevate independently and were limited to a maximum elevation of +15° which gave them a maximum range of 21,000 yards (19,000 m).[6] The ship carried 100 shells for each gun. Defense against torpedo boats was provided by twenty-two 51-caliber five-inch guns mounted in individual casemates in the sides of the ship's hull.
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Two major models have been proposed for the rate of continental growth:[37] steady growth to the present-day[38] and rapid growth early in Earth history.[39] Current research shows that the second option is most likely, with rapid initial growth of continental crust[40] followed by a long-term steady continental area.[41][42][43] On time scales lasting hundreds of millions of years, the surface continually reshaped as continents formed and broke up. The continents migrated across the surface, occasionally combining to form a supercontinent. Roughly 750 million years ago (Ma), one of the earliest known supercontinents, Rodinia, began to break apart. The continents later recombined to form Pannotia, 600–540 Ma, then finally Pangaea, which broke apart 180 Ma.
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Much of the Venusian surface appears to have been shaped by volcanic activity. Venus has several times as many volcanoes as Earth, and it possesses some 167 large volcanoes that are over 100 km across. The only volcanic complex of this size on Earth is the Big Island of Hawaii.[25] This is not because Venus is more volcanically active than Earth, but because its crust is older. Earth's oceanic crust is continually recycled by subduction at the boundaries of tectonic plates, and has an average age of about 100 million years,[31] while the Venusian surface is estimated to be 300–600 million years old.
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There are almost a thousand impact craters on Venus evenly distributed across its surface. On other cratered bodies, such as the Earth and the Moon, craters show a range of states of degradation. On the Moon, degradation is caused by subsequent impacts, while on Earth, it is caused by wind and rain erosion. On Venus, about 85% of craters are in pristine condition. The number of craters, together with their well-preserved condition, indicates that the planet underwent a global resurfacing event about 300–600 million years ago
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Studies have suggested that several billion years ago the Venusian atmosphere was much more like Earth's than it is now, and that there were probably substantial quantities of liquid water on the surface, but a runaway greenhouse effect was caused by the evaporation of that original water, which generated a critical level of greenhouse gases in its atmosphere.
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Funimation later released their dub to bilingual Region 1 DVD in two season box sets, with the first set released on December 9, 2008 and the final set released on February 10, 2009, which also featured the Dragon Ball GT TV special, A Hero's Legacy. In a similar fashion to their DVD releases for Dragon Ball Z, the DVD box sets have the option of hearing the English dub alongside the original Japanese music, and the rap song used for the TV airing of the show (nicknamed by fans "Step Into the Grand Tour") has been replaced by English-dubbed versions of the original Japanese opening and ending songs. Funimation later released a "Complete Series" box set of Dragon Ball GT (using the same discs as the two season sets, but with different packaging) on September 21, 2010.
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I agree with Tenebres. Iron 2 was not as good as 1. Jeff Bridges charecter was what sealed the greatness of the 1st one. They needed a willey crook and they did not create one.
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Hi! Alexander Coleman,
Unfortunately, I didn't watch Iron Man yet alone Iron Man 2...Therefore, after reading your review it's quite obvious that the original version is the version to seek out to watch.
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and let your readers know which film is worth seeking out to watch.
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The 2008 Iron Man at least attempted to embroider a slightly credulous human relationship between Downey's Stark and the evil father figure honcho played by a cagey Jeff Bridges in lieu of Stark's own long-gone distant father..."

This quote along would be one good reason why I would seek the original version out to watch...Because I would want to find out...why?
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Why fate has chosen you to protect your castle and destroy it to you. I do not hate you JaeJoong ah, you too pure to be hated ... why start us down with a hand like that. Standing in front of JaeJoong makes us feel his hands were covered with blood ...
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Uno said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Uno said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Uno said...

is well as a slow-motion film. His breath is weaker when Des launch as flying, stately and brave heroes cry. The fate of the person selected is like his own use in exchange for all.
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Unknown said...

Love your last sentence, however, don't you think you're looking into Iron Man a little too much?

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I do agree that the first was better, and more feminist-leaning, but these are all popcorn movies, and my bar is lowered when I watch them. Only when a superhero movie really impresses me would I care to write about them (like Dark Night or the first Spiderman).

Uno said...

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This comment has been removed by the author.
Hals said...

Therefore, after reading your review it's quite obvious that the original version is the version to seek out to watch.
Basically, I think that the two quotes below place both films in that "proverbial nutshell"
and let your readers know which film is worth seeking out to watch.
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In conclusion, one or two chocolate covered strawberries isn't going to destroy your weight loss regime. If you are not watching your weight, eating such dipped strawberries is an acceptable dessert and is actually better than eating something processed and commercial.
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I'm a little late, but the movie sucked. I'll admit it isn't my type though.

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Unknown said...

I am a huge fan of the Iron Man Franchise. I have always thought that the franchise is what resurrected Robert Downey Jr.'s career? I wonder where he would be without Iron Man?


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